Xiaomi is finally bringing the Redmi Note smartphone to India. The company is all set to launch the 5.5-inch Redmi Note in India on November 24, Monday. The phone was unveiled - alongside the Redmi 1S and Mi 3 - in India back in July.
The 5.5-inch Redmi Note has an octa-core MTK 6592 1.7GHz processor, 13 megapixel rear-facing camera and a 5 megapixel front-facing camera. The GPU is ARM Mali-450.
The Redmi Note has 2GB RAM and an internal memory of 8GB (expandable upto 32GB). The display resolution is the same 1280x720 as in the Redmi 1S. The dual-SIM Redmi Note comes with a 3100mAh battery.
Full specs Here |
The 5.5-inch Redmi Note has an octa-core MTK 6592 1.7GHz processor, 13 megapixel rear-facing camera and a 5 megapixel front-facing camera. The GPU is ARM Mali-450.
The Redmi Note has 2GB RAM and an internal memory of 8GB (expandable upto 32GB). The display resolution is the same 1280x720 as in the Redmi 1S. The dual-SIM Redmi Note comes with a 3100mAh battery.
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